Be a human being (deep and good text)

Be a human being (deep and good text)

Do things first to be a man, and put kindness first before you can have a lifetime of happiness.
Women with poor character like to do these four things on Wechat best. See if you have any.

Women with poor character like to do these four things on Wechat best. See if you have any.

Judge your character by your words and deeds, and know your personality by your every move.
Whether people agree with each other or not, just one word!

Whether people agree with each other or not, just one word!

For the rest of my life, I hope we learn to love and be kind.
The way you ate exposed your marriage.

The way you ate exposed your marriage.

One vegetable, one meal, all life, one spoonful of food, all love.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Be yourself.
Unspoken rule of "breakup" for adults: don't reply to messages

Unspoken rule of "breakup" for adults: don't reply to messages

Response is the preservative of emotion.
People, why are you not happy? Every sentence touches the heart

People, why are you not happy? Every sentence touches the heart

The more life goes down, the more you have to raise the corners of your mouth.
Idle people worry, lazy people get sick, busy people.

Idle people worry, lazy people get sick, busy people.

The fastest way to get rid of a person is to keep him idle all the time.