In a stormy life, hold your own umbrella.

In a stormy life, hold your own umbrella.

Unable to control the wind and rain, to control the fate.
Unspeakable love finally becomes "good night".

Unspeakable love finally becomes "good night".

Life is not an idol drama, not every secret love can be exchanged for a two-way trip.
It's really important to be with people with positive energy.

It's really important to be with people with positive energy.

The mentality between people can be contagious.
5 things that make people happy in an instant!

5 things that make people happy in an instant!

Smile often, life is always sunny.
College entrance examination results come out: no matter what the result is, please stand by your child firmly.

College entrance examination results come out: no matter what the result is, please stand by your child firmly.

Good parents are the ferrymen of their children's life.
​ has a kind of charm, which has nothing to do with appearance.

​ has a kind of charm, which has nothing to do with appearance.

Reading is to meet a better self and have a better life.
Two people together, if you have this feeling, it means you are not really in love!

Two people together, if you have this feeling, it means you are not really in love!

A happy day for two people should be like a day.
Your tone determines your luck.

Your tone determines your luck.

A person with a good tone will not have too bad luck.