The best way to test marriage: sleep

The best way to test marriage: sleep

Please cherish the person around you who has slept with you for a long time.
True strength begins with reticence.

True strength begins with reticence.

Silence is the highest contempt.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Splendid bloom
How terrible is a self-disciplined person?

How terrible is a self-disciplined person?

A self-disciplined person can live a high and free life.
The man who gets along with the opposite sex and really loves you will give you these three hints.

The man who gets along with the opposite sex and really loves you will give you these three hints.

It doesn't feel like a lie, and feelings can't be hidden.
These 20 words have untied the hearts of countless people.

These 20 words have untied the hearts of countless people.

Losing money with a smile is not stupidity, but a higher intelligence.
No matter how good you are with others, don't reveal these three secrets, it's not good for you!

No matter how good you are with others, don't reveal these three secrets, it's not good for you!

There are always some untold secrets that we need to cherish for the rest of our lives.
Do not ask, see through, do not argue with reason.

Do not ask, see through, do not argue with reason.

May we all practice ourselves seriously for the rest of our lives!