Life is not easy. You have to work very hard.

Life is not easy. You have to work very hard.

The world is not worth it, but you are worth it.
These two words will always hurt people the most.

These two words will always hurt people the most.

What is hidden in your mouth is your blessings and feng shui.
Half your life has passed. Let nature take its course.

Half your life has passed. Let nature take its course.

Cherish it when you meet it, and don't linger for too long when the show is over.
I like relationships that are not tiring.

I like relationships that are not tiring.

May you encounter such a relationship and share the same experience from now on.
How many marriages: want to be inseparable, want to have a bad life

How many marriages: want to be inseparable, want to have a bad life

Life requires patience, marriage is about willingness.
A wise man doesn't ask questions all his life.

A wise man doesn't ask questions all his life.

Peace of mind means peace of mind.
Please pour out the trash in your heart

Please pour out the trash in your heart

Have what you want and let go of what you can't get.
You don't have to stab people, but you have to have thorns.

You don't have to stab people, but you have to have thorns.

Those who have thorns on their bodies can live more recklessly.
Six habits for a person to make his mood better

Six habits for a person to make his mood better

Every day of your life, you should try your best to be happy.