The 20 unknowable principles in life are very reasonable.

The 20 unknowable principles in life are very reasonable.

I hope you benefit a lot from these false arguments in your life.
The most comfortable relationships for adults have all experienced these three times of giving up.

The most comfortable relationships for adults have all experienced these three times of giving up.

If you deal with the relationship with others, life will naturally go smoothly.
Heart, keep it simple; people, be confused

Heart, keep it simple; people, be confused

Is it not a kind of happiness to learn to be confused properly?
An upbringing engraved in the bones

An upbringing engraved in the bones

Be kind to others and tolerate people in an atmosphere.
Truly long-term marriages have "profits" to make.

Truly long-term marriages have "profits" to make.

Marriage is never afraid of interests, which is the premise of a long-term marriage.
Living an interesting life is the best way to live.

Living an interesting life is the best way to live.

For the rest of my life, I chose to live like fun.
All fate is predestined.

All fate is predestined.

As long as we warm and comfort each other, it is the best ending.
Low-level people always like to show off these three things

Low-level people always like to show off these three things

The more you lack something, the more you want to show off.
"never, explain yourself to others!"

"never, explain yourself to others!"

Do not be framed by the eyes of others, live the most wanton life.