The higher the EQ, the more you know how to trouble others.

The higher the EQ, the more you know how to trouble others.

A good relationship is to complement each other and grow together.
The best way for a woman to live is in these four sentences.

The best way for a woman to live is in these four sentences.

May all your efforts be rewarded in the days to come.
The truth of life: choose, regret and forget it.

The truth of life: choose, regret and forget it.

There is no choice without paying a price.
No matter husband and wife or lover, the more they like to do these three "movements", the more likely they are to have an affair.

No matter husband and wife or lover, the more they like to do these three "movements", the more likely they are to have an affair.

Fight less for right and wrong and talk more about love; let go of comparisons and be content.
True maturity is not age, but a state of mind.

True maturity is not age, but a state of mind.

Everyone comes into this world with different cards.
"I will support you all my life, but I love my wife."

"I will support you all my life, but I love my wife."

Thank you for being my father.
Tong Liya, congratulations on the divorce!

Tong Liya, congratulations on the divorce!

Be the ferryman of your own life and always love yourself more than anything else.
To change yourself, there is no need to change others

To change yourself, there is no need to change others

If you are at ease, the breeze will come slowly.
Turn (after watching the epiphany)

Turn (after watching the epiphany)

Learn to turn, heaven and earth are wide.