Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Be kind to yourself
I like a lighter relationship.

I like a lighter relationship.

May we treat every relationship a little lighter and slower.
The greatest stupidity of human nature is to be unkind to others.

The greatest stupidity of human nature is to be unkind to others.

To accept the glow of others, life can shine.
Taking good care of your mood is more important than anything else.

Taking good care of your mood is more important than anything else.

When people are alive, happiness is the most important and mood is the most important.
A heart-piercing story: "I regret having raised my son so well."

A heart-piercing story: "I regret having raised my son so well."

Even as parents, you can't be too selfless.
It was only after the exposure of a 1300-square-meter mansion in Beijing that I realized that having money is never equal to being rich.

It was only after the exposure of a 1300-square-meter mansion in Beijing that I realized that having money is never equal to being rich.

People with real self-cultivation will never write their sense of superiority on their faces.
There is a ruler to speak, a degree to play, more than to do, and a virtue to speak.

There is a ruler to speak, a degree to play, more than to do, and a virtue to speak.

To take care of yourself is the best way to practice.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Be yourself
Those who insist on getting up early are the most worthy of deep acquaintance.

Those who insist on getting up early are the most worthy of deep acquaintance.

Live up to every morning and live up to your life!