"A divorced woman can't have it no matter how good it is."

"A divorced woman can't have it no matter how good it is."

Divorce will never let a woman down her price.
"if you can't love someone, just say goodbye."

"if you can't love someone, just say goodbye."

Thank you for coming. I don't regret that I was in love.
Really strong, from the beginning of solitude!

Really strong, from the beginning of solitude!

To find and repair yourself in solitude.
Three realms of self-improvement: read yourself, surpass yourself, and please yourself.

Three realms of self-improvement: read yourself, surpass yourself, and please yourself.

Live your life as you like it and live your life as you want it to be.
Between men and women, when they fall in love but can't be together, then remember "two words".

Between men and women, when they fall in love but can't be together, then remember "two words".

Some feelings can be reborn only when they are put down.
When a person does not contact you or block you, there is only one reason.

When a person does not contact you or block you, there is only one reason.

Do not delete is out of politeness, do not contact just do not feel necessary.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Have a good time now.
Respect (this article is priceless)

Respect (this article is priceless)

Only by knowing how to respect can we win respect.