Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Work hard
The choice of different ages! (epiphany)

The choice of different ages! (epiphany)

May you embark on the road you aspire to at the right age.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Life is impermanent.
Others respect you, not because you are good, but because.

Others respect you, not because you are good, but because.

The better a person is, the more he knows how to respect others.
The weak fight each other, and the strong give way to each other.

The weak fight each other, and the strong give way to each other.

Knowing how to make concessions is a person's top wisdom.
The weak are irritable, the strong are easy to forgive (profound)

The weak are irritable, the strong are easy to forgive (profound)

People who are really capable never need to arm themselves with temper.
The most advanced moments: breaking up.

The most advanced moments: breaking up.

A relationship that is too strenuous will only hurt yourself.
There is a kind of self-discipline called stopping to have a rest.

There is a kind of self-discipline called stopping to have a rest.

May we, no matter how time flows, keep a simple heart.