"I would rather be blatantly favored than like."

"I would rather be blatantly favored than like."

You will always be my preference and exception.
"Don't go back, don't love the old people."

"Don't go back, don't love the old people."

​ always has expectations, there is always love, there is always the next mountain and sea.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

People who can carry things often have these abilities.

People who can carry things often have these abilities.

Life is full of difficulties. There is no need to embarrass ourselves.
If you are great, you will be blessed.

If you are great, you will be blessed.

If people are in the atmosphere, they can hold the infinitely wide world in their hearts.
The best health care is these eight words.

The best health care is these eight words.

Fate is unpredictable, only health can stay.
Don't overdraw your relationship with anyone, ​.

Don't overdraw your relationship with anyone, ​.

A good relationship has its own sense of proportion.
If I don't love you deeply, men won't contact you at this time.

If I don't love you deeply, men won't contact you at this time.

The subtleties are most affectionate.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed
