Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

Let it be
Whatever makes you miserable is here to cross you.

Whatever makes you miserable is here to cross you.

Life is a bitter practice.
Although the circle is small, it is good to be comfortable.

Although the circle is small, it is good to be comfortable.

Any relationship that takes so much effort is the wrong one.
What is home? Read it five times, it was too thorough (to see tears)

What is home? Read it five times, it was too thorough (to see tears)

Your home is the end-result of your life, and your family is the support of your life.
The man who does this to you, he really loves you.

The man who does this to you, he really loves you.

A good relationship has its own sense of proportion.
I really want to be loved firmly.

I really want to be loved firmly.

Love is a choice, and love is necessary to you.
Think about something before you go to bed

Think about something before you go to bed

People's heart
A family with a messy room cannot raise promising children.

A family with a messy room cannot raise promising children.

Clean up the messy room, this is the joy of life!