The first reaction is to hide your knowledge and pattern.

The first reaction is to hide your knowledge and pattern.

Don't cry over spilled milk, don't wrestle with irreparable crap.
Whether a man is blessed or not depends on his wife.

Whether a man is blessed or not depends on his wife.

To be kind to your wife is to be kind to yourself!
The next time you pass by, there will be no one in the world!

The next time you pass by, there will be no one in the world!

Learn to cherish the people around you who are good to you and who are good to you.
"whoever you marry, you will have your life."

"whoever you marry, you will have your life."

Finally, may you work hard all your life and be loved all your life.
People who are really reliable: don't procrastinate, don't talk much, and don't do it.

People who are really reliable: don't procrastinate, don't talk much, and don't do it.

Behind all punctuality and trustworthiness lies a person's sense of responsibility and responsibility.
There is a kind of love that can love each other for a lifetime without being husband and wife.

There is a kind of love that can love each other for a lifetime without being husband and wife.

If two hearts know each other, they are warm without words.
No matter how good the relationship is, if you have these three qualities, you should cut off your relationship.

No matter how good the relationship is, if you have these three qualities, you should cut off your relationship.

Learn to reduce your circle and stay away from the people who consume you.
A photo reveals the truth of society: reading is the nobility of the lowest threshold!

A photo reveals the truth of society: reading is the nobility of the lowest threshold!

If you are excited, come and have a look at it.
People with noble spirits in their lives all have these four characteristics.

People with noble spirits in their lives all have these four characteristics.

Life is a process of self-growth.
After watching this documentary, I realized: originally, the uselessness of reading is the biggest scam of this era!

After watching this documentary, I realized: originally, the uselessness of reading is the biggest scam of this era!

As long as you really love reading, then books will give you the response you want.