In a complex world, be a simple self

In a complex world, be a simple self

May you be able to walk leisurely and leisurely despite the troubles of the world.
It is better to be silent than to talk too much

It is better to be silent than to talk too much

To keep your mouth shut is a person's highest self-cultivation.
What really destroys a family is not an affair, not poverty, but.

What really destroys a family is not an affair, not poverty, but.

No blame in case of trouble is the best feng shui for a family.
No matter how good the heterosexual relationship is, don't contact each other like this.

No matter how good the heterosexual relationship is, don't contact each other like this.

A man may not be clever, but he cannot be out of line.
Don't forgive those who hurt you easily!

Don't forgive those who hurt you easily!

Never thank the person who hurt you.
People, don't be too idle

People, don't be too idle

A man has a lot of leisure, but he is busy to solve a thousand sorrows.
People who are really good are forced out.

People who are really good are forced out.

Only when you have experienced pain can you enjoy the joy of growth and progress.
The more you refuse these three requests of the opposite sex, the more he loves you.

The more you refuse these three requests of the opposite sex, the more he loves you.

​ smart people all know that sometimes knowing how to refuse can make a relationship last.
The more men love you, the more they will send you these four kinds of messages.

The more men love you, the more they will send you these four kinds of messages.

Depend on each other, accompany each other, this is the deepest love.
Whether a woman is blessed or not can be seen by her mouth.

Whether a woman is blessed or not can be seen by her mouth.

To get along with others, the surface depends on the mouth, but in fact it is the heart.